By Press Release August 28, 2021 New Jersey News/The Swamp

Almost 10,000 Afghan refugees fleeing the turmoil in their homeland will be coming to New Jersey, and Senate Republicans are calling on New Jersey’s Department of Homeland Security and Preparedness to ensure they are thoroughly vetted.
In the letter, Singer said, “Our nation made a commitment to our Afghan allies who supported U.S. troops while they were serving abroad, but we also have a commitment to maintaining the security of New Jerseyans here at home. You must fully vet all incoming refugees to ensure that potentially dangerous individuals didn’t try to take advantage of the chaos of President Biden’s evacuation from Afghanistan to infiltrate the United States.”Breaking News: Truck fire damages home in Stafford
The full text of the letter is below:
Director Doran,
The first influx of an anticipated 10,000 Afghan refugees to New Jersey has already arrived, and soon these displaced individuals and families will be assimilating into our communities.
In light of the chaos surrounding the extraction of both American citizens and displaced Afghanis, and in your role as the Director of the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness, we are urging your office to mobilize immediately to conduct thorough security vetting of each and every refugee that cycles through the joint base and into New Jersey.
We have all viewed the disturbing scenes on the ground in Kabul. While federal officials are doing their best to screen refugees and conduct background checks, the process is fraught with complications due to the changing dynamics. Even under the best circumstances, no vetting system is flawless. Under the nightmarish conditions at the airport in Kabul, reliable vetting is almost impossible.
Our nation made a commitment to our Afghan allies who supported U.S. troops while they were serving abroad, but we also have a commitment to maintaining the security of New Jerseyans here at home. You must fully vet all incoming refugees to ensure that potentially dangerous individuals didn’t try to take advantage of the chaos of President Biden’s evacuation from Afghanistan to infiltrate the United States.
We are hopeful your office is prepared to complete the diligence required to safeguard our people, families and communities as we welcome new arrivals to our state.