The Township of Jackson last night proposed a law, to force home owners to obtain permits before putting up a “For Sale” sign an their property.

This strange ordinance would only apply to “For Sale” signs, all other signs will be permitted.

Baruch Kaluszyner and Jacob Steinberg spearheaded the efforts to cancel this ordinance.

Many Frum real estate agents showed up as Township officials said if people show up and oppose, they will cancel the ordinance. Bryan Hutchinson, CEO of the Monmouth MLS spoke passionately against this law ( See minute 53:00). Bryan said this is unconstitutional and the supreme court already ruled on this matter. Placing a sign on your property, relaying to others your wish to sell your home, is the greatest form of free speech.

The ordinance was tabled for the time being.

By Editor

3 thoughts on “Jackson Township Scales Back On Property Sign Law”
  1. What were they thinking

    This is a stupid law. I can advertise vote for פלוני, but not sale my home ????
    Where is the שכל ?

  2. […] complains to the township. When we asked people to come to the Jackson township council meeting regarding the sign ordinance , only a handful of us showed up, and thanks to the handful we were abl…. And for the rest of you who didn’t find the time today show up and let your voices be heard, […]

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