We’ve written before about the House Democrats’ outrageous push to use the so-called infrastructure bill to repeal the Hyde Amendment language that has prevented taxpayer

money from funding abortion for almost fifty-years.
But we never foresaw that 17 Senate Republicans would join Democrats in the push to make every taxpayer in America part of the abortion industry’s cult of death.
Yet, when these 17 Senate Republicans joined Democrats to advance the $1 trillion-plus infrastructure deal that’s exactly what they did. Here are the 17 Republican baby-killers and their home-state office telephone numbers, where we urge CHQ readers and friends to call them to demand they vote NO on final passage of the bill:
Roy Blunt of Missouri: (314) 725-4484
Richard Burr of North Carolina: (336) 631-5125
Shelley Moore-Capito of West Virginia: (304) 347-5372
Bill Cassidy of Louisiana: (225) 929-7711
Susan Collins of Maine: (207) 622-8414
Kevin Cramer of North Dakota: (701) 699-7020
Mike Crapo of Idaho: (208) 334-1776
John Hoeven of North Dakota: (701) 250-4618
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina: (803) 933-0112
Chuck Grassley of Iowa: (319) 363-6832
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky: (502) 582-6304
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska: (907) 586-7277
Rob Portman of Ohio: (614) 469-6774
James Risch of Idaho: (208) 342-7985
Mitt Romney of Utah: (801) 524-4380
Mike Rounds of South Dakota: (605) 224-1450
Thom Tillis of North Carolina: (919) 856-4630
Todd Young of Indiana: (317) 226-6700*
NOTE: Despite the impression you may receive from the picture accompanying this article Senators Rick Scott and Joni Ernst are NOT among the 17 baby killers listed in this article.
Naturally, these 17 baby-killers are going to try to deny that they are complicit in this crime, but as our friend Tom McClusky, President of March for Life Action, explained in a column for Townhall:
… this bill ultimately could lead to directing billions in tax dollars toward abortion. It could also create a Medicaid-like health care system which lacks the popular and life-saving provisions of the Hyde Amendment.
The bill – which needed Republican support to proceed – allows for $1.2 trillion in spending and parts remain unwritten. While the bill is unlikely to address the issue of abortion directly, repeated statements from leading Democrats make it clear that this bill inextricably linked to a $4-6 trillion partisan reconciliation bill. And that bill from all indications will include billions in abortion spending and subsidies.
… the Democrats who have tied passage of the infrastructure bill to a pro-abortion reconciliation bill are not on the fringe of the party – they are its very leadership. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has vowed to hold the infrastructure bill hostage unless she gets her $4-6 trillion reconciliation package. Her threats are being backed by Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) who said she would take down the infrastructure bill if the larger partisan bill wasn’t passed first.
What’s more, West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin said the two bills are inseparable telling supporters, “I would say if the bipartisan infrastructure deal falls apart, everything falls apart.” And even at the White House President Joe Biden stated over a month ago that “If this (bipartisan deal) is the only thing that comes to me, I’m not signing it.”
Lest you think Tom McClusky got it wrong, Nancy Pelosi came right out and publicly told ABC’s “This Week” (on July 25) “I won’t put it on the floor until we have the rest of the initiative.”
Our good friend, principled limited government constitutional conservative Rep. Jim Banks (IN-3) Chairman of the Republican Study Committee has called the infrastructure package a “Trojan Horse” and put out a memo titled “Top 10 Infrastructure Package Roadblocks.” From our perspective, roadblock #1 is that the bill is inextricably tied to repealing the Hyde Amendment and directly funding the killing of over 890,000 babies every year. We urge CHQ readers and friends to call the 17 Senators at their state offices or through the Capitol Switchboard at (1-866-220-0044) to demand they vote “NO” on the Trojan Horse infrastructure bill.
*We just found out Sen. Todd Young of Indiana also voted to advance the fake infrastructure bill. We think principled limited government constitutional conservative Rep. Jim Banks would make a great primary opponent for Indiana’s squishy weasel Senator Todd Young.
- infrastructure bill
- Mitch McConnell
- Hyde Amendment repeal
- federal funding for abortion
- Tom McClusky
- March for Life Action
- $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill
- Reconciliation bill
- Nancy Pelosi
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
- Joe Manchin
- Joe Biden