Volf ben Yosev
“Palestinian” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) is in the headlines once again, this time calling for police defunding and prison depopulation in the wake of the police shooting of “unarmed black man” Duante Wright during an arrest on weapons charges.
Resisting arrest is something the Democrat Congresswoman knows everything about. Rep. Tlaib first made a name for herself by getting arrested for disrupting a pro-Trump event. She can be seen in photographs “peacefully” resisting arrest. Rep. Tlaib and her scissor sister Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) were both sworn in on the Koran when they took their oaths of office. Coincidentally, they are both outspoken terrorist sympathizers (Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaida, and the PLO) and known anti-Semites who have been banned from entering Israel as security risks. They have repeatedly accused America of systemicly oppressing blacks and Arabs, an allegation being echoed by the Biden administration in nearly every public statement coming from the White House.
The Democrat Party recently called for the removal of the newly elected Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) from office for allegedly attributing the 2020 California wildfires to “Jewish space lasers.” MTG took to the Dinesh D’Souza show to give her side of the story. She denies the allegation. Rep. Tlaib publicly described the sadistic pleasure she takes in Jewish suffering during the Holocaust. Rather than oust her, Speaker Pelosi posed for a magazine cover with Rep. Tlaib, advertising her as the next generation of the Democrat Party.
In response to allegations of anti-Semitism, Rep. Tlaib and AOC (D-NY) defined the self-styled ” Palestinian” as a “woman of color,” and accused her Jewish critics of racism. Trump previously expanded protected class status to include Jewish national origin denial as a form of illegal discrimination.
Police defunding has been correlated with a noted uptick in violent crime and random pedestrian assaults in New York and other major Democrat-controlled cities, to the point of a multiplying effect, along with its companion pieces: cashless bail, decriminalization of street crime, selective prosecution, and prison depopulation. The Biden administration denied that they were for the BLM cause of police defunding when they were running for office. They prefer to call it “reimagining the police.” Thus far, the budget for ICE has been slashed, coming amidst what Republicans are calling a “surge” and a “crisis at the border.” Top liberal news program The Daily Show (italicize title please) has a running promotion of BLM’s prison depopulation ransom demand as “Ending Mass Incarceration,” a conspiracy theory alleging innocent black men are being wrongfully convicted systemicly and systematically in order to exploit them for slave labor. When asked during a press conference if Mayor de Blasio would refund the police in view of the rising death toll from black-on-black murder, he said he declined to.
Clarification: MTG denied the “Jewish space lasers” allegation, although conjecturing about the Rothschilds on facebook was attributed to her by Rachel Maddow. If she did so, than MTG should have known that the Rothschilds’ legend is used to implicate Jews in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion conspiracy theory.