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X Is Now A Legally Recognized Gender In New Jersey
Shared by Robert Walker 16 hours ago New Jersey News

TRENTON, NJ – In the state of New Jersey, you might identify as a man, woman, neither or something else. Today, the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission said you can now identify as “X” on your driver’s license if your identified gender is neither male or female.
he New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (NJMVC) today announced the addition of an “X” gender option on New Jersey driver licenses and non-driver identification cards.
Gender “X” will indicate a gender is unspecified, and it will be offered alongside the existing “M” (male) and “F” (female) gender options on licenses and IDs. This is offered not only to New Jersey residents who identify as non-binary, but for anyone who prefers that their gender not be specified on their license or ID.
For those wishing to change their gender marker on a license or ID, that option is available in New Jersey by self-attestation. Customers only need to fill out the associated form available on the MVC website and visit an MVC Licensing Center as a walk-in customer. Customers will have to surrender their current license or ID and pay a standard fee of $11.00 to receive a duplicate card.
“Diversity and inclusion are core values for New Jersey, and for all of us at the MVC. We know this new option will be deeply impactful for many residents, as access to resources and the ability to live and work freely so often hinges on having documentation that correctly reflects your identity,” said MVC Chief Administrator Sue Fulton.
“We’re thrilled that New Jersey has joined 19 other states and Washington, DC in offering X gender markers on driver’s licenses and state IDs,” said Christian Fuscarino, Executive Director of Garden State Equality. “This option will allow New Jerseyans, particularly nonbinary and intersex people, to enjoy a right many of us take for granted – having ID that accurately reflects who we are. We applaud the MVC for taking another step to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ New Jerseyans.”
Originally planned for late 2020, the implementation of a gender “X” option was delayed due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, and it required modifications to the MVC computer system and completing the move to issue licenses and IDs via Central Issuance.
The MVC previously announced the ability to change the M/F gender designation on licenses and IDs in February 2020, following passage of the “Babs Siperstein Law” in 2018.
This is the Law on the books in the State of NJ:
N.J.S.A. § 26:8-40.12 “The State Registrar shall issue an amended certificate of birth to a person born in the state who requests an amended certificate of birth which shows the gender and, if applicable, the name of the person as it has been changed”
This ridiculous law is called “THE BABS SIPERSTEIN LAW”
There are three parts to this twisted psychopathic law:
The first part makes it so that in order to change the gender marker on your New Jersey birth certificate, you would only need to attest to your gender identity to do so. For a gender marker change for a child, the parents would need to attest to the child’s gender identity through the same process.
The second part of the law is that now, New Jersey birth certificates must provide for an “X” gender marker (for non-binary people or those with an undisclosed gender).
The third and final part of the law makes it so that New Jersey residents can apply to New Jersey courts for an order confirming their gender identity in places that require it to change your identity documents (driver’s licenses, etc.)