Infection rate falls below 5% for first time since 2020, as number of patients in serious condition falls to 717.
Tags:CoronavirusArutz Sheva Staff , Mar 03 , 2021 11:16 AMShareבדיקת קורונהצילום: David Cohen/Flash90
A total of 4,265 new cases of the coronavirus were diagnosed across Israel on Tuesday, according to data released by the Health Ministry Wednesday morning.
That marks a sharp decrease in the infection rate, with the number of newly diagnosed cases falling from 4,826 on Monday.
The percentage of tests coming back positive fell below 5% for the first time this year, falling to 4.8% Tuesday, down from 5.4% Monday, 5.8% Sunday, and 6.0% Saturday. Tuesday’s level is the lowest recorded since December 26th.
There are currently 42,733 active cases of the virus known in Israel, with 1,195 patients being treated in hospitals.
Of those, 717 are in serious condition, including 224 on respirators.
The number of seriously ill patients also fell to the lowest level since December, dropping from 741 Monday and 769 Sunday.
Nineteen coronavirus-related fatalities were reported Tuesday, bringing the total number since the pandemic began to 5,797.