This Monday many came to beseech the zoning board not to approve a cellphone tower on Clifton Avenue for fear of radiation.

The Chairman of the Board Mr. Abe Halberstam treated the public with the utmost disrespect, Mocking bnei torah, and not even trying to hide his cynical attitude towards them.

Abe Halberstam (left)

Here are some of his pearls of idiocy (watch on the link):

4:20:05 – Chairman Halberstam yells at a Yungerman “don’t give us lectures about it”

4:19:50 – Halberstam will not allow a resident to read a letter from Stamar Dayan שליט’א. 

4:01:41 – Halberstam discourages a resident from speaking; tells him “Go back to your chavrusa 

The attorney for the cellphone company spoke numerous times. When a resident asked for a chance to respond to the attorney, Halberstam declared “every person gets only one chance to speak”.

Halberstam has developed a habit to treat the local residents as his loyal subjects. His disdain for לומדי תורה reminds us all of the saying of רבי עקיבא, when he was in his younger years: ” I WISH SOMEONE WILL GIVE ME A TORAH SCHOLAR, AND I WILL BITE HIM LIKE A DONKEY’

תניא אמר רבי עקיבא כשהייתי עם הארץ אמרתי מי יתן לי תלמיד חכם ואנשכנו כחמור

By Editor

57 thoughts on “Board Member’s Disdain For בני תורה”
  1. Shocking this is taking place in עיר התורה

    How can he yell out a yungerman – go to your chavrusa!?!?!?!?!?

  2. Who is this Halberstam and what gives him the right to talk to people that way?

  3. Halberstam needs to be removed. He’s done too many wrongs while he’s held the position of Chairman.

    He obviously hasn’t learned how to show proper דרך ארץ to the residents of this town.

  4. Halberstam is a complete embarrassment to our town and our people or any people. He shows no respect for anyone. He’s got all his colleagues in cahoots with him. They decided way before the hearing what the outcome will be. He and all the others don’t deserve their positions if they’re in it for them$elves!!

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