Rabbi Eli Ber Wachtfogel the famous Rosh Yeshiva of Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg came out very strongly against the covid vaccine.

Under no circumstances should a boy or a girl take the Covid vaccine.
It’s suicide.

“If they want to fulfill the mitzvah of Peru’urvu [ having children] they should not even think of taking this vaccine [as it can cause fertility issues]. Neither boys nor girls should take the vaccine. It is not a good enough of an excuse to endanger oneself [and take the vaccine so] to go back to Yeshiva or Seminary [in Israel]. “

“You should continue to advertise this as much as possible, even for older people. Keep publicizing as much as possible. You could be saving hundreds of lives.”

By Editor

19 thoughts on “Rosh Yeshiva of South Fallsburg: Do Not Take Covid Vaccine”
      1. He does not ‘hold’ to vaccinate. I personally know people who have direct access to the family and his feedback varies and is situationally dependent. People heard him say one thing to one person or another and assume it is meant globally. You must take great care when hearing something that comes out ‘in the name of’ on any topic, as it may be either meant for a specific situation, or broken telephone. Please check your information thoroughly–for your own benefit.

        1. Read the statement carefully again: is it addressed to a specific person, or generally?

          “If they want to fulfill the mitzvah of Peru’urvu [ having children] they should not even think of taking this vaccine [as it can cause fertility issues]. Neither boys nor girls should take the vaccine. It is not a good enough of an excuse to endanger oneself [and take the vaccine so] to go back to Yeshiva or Seminary [in Israel]. “

          “You should continue to advertise this as much as possible, even for older people. Keep publicizing as much as possible. You could be saving hundreds of lives.”

  1. Please show the Rov this comment and he is free to call me to discuss. He knows me
    This virus will result in lowering fertility of both boys and girls because the target of the virus is highly concentrated in both the ovaries and testicles.
    So all children will eventually be required to take the vaccine.
    I am certainly recommending that all of my children and grandchildren get vaccinated ASAP.


    1. Dear Dr Pollak, I think that your comment doesn’t negate what the r.y. is saying in the slightest way. If the vaccine can directly cause a fertility problem and one actively takes this, he is now committing a serious aveira.

    2. You are not a prophet. Nobody in this world has the authority say that there is no delayed or long term damage from this experimental drug. There are ingredients in these vaccines that have done damage to animals in other trials. Chaval that the Jewish People are the test monkeys for this unethical drug company. Chaval that you use your “MD” letters to promote human experimentation.

  2. I wonder what research the Rabbi has conducted prior to reaching this conclusion. Without the basis of his opinion, one cannot determine its validity. I know the Rabbi is a big Talmud Cuchem, and surely is qualified to render opinions according to Halacha, but I am not sure whether the Rabbi has any qualification or credentials to render medical opinions.

  3. Am I missing something? Practically the entire Israel already got vaccinated, including the Chareidi population at the behest and request of the Torah leaders of the generation. So either you rely on medical advice or Da’as Torah of R. Kanievsky. This view seems to be contradictory to leading medical experts as well as the Gadol HaDor. Someone help me understand!

    1. Of course he never said this. This was the work of some psychopathic anti-vaxxer. Here is a lawyer, anti-vaxxer in California who is a member of the Scientology cult comparing the vaccine to the horrors of Mengele in Auschwitz. Watch her and be aware the same people who put up this blasphemous lie attributing it to a Gadol Hadol also believe her.

  4. see that you published an article claiming R’Wachtfogel is against the covid vaccine for young people. I would doubt he would opine on medical matters that he is not familiar with.
    The vaccines have been given to hundreds of millions of people already, including millions in Israel and have been very safe.
    Looking forward to seeing a public retraction on these very dangerous statements

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